D.M.O.: Una Carrera Interna y Externa

DMO – Downtown Management Organization
Curazao / Las Antillas Holandesas
21 de junio 1993


Good evening, ladies, and gentlemen,

‘An Internal and External Career’ provides creative potential for yourself, your mate, your company, associates, and personnel: to live and work with more satisfaction and pleasure, to bring about adventure in your life, and to maximize profit from your life and business. In the course of this lecture, I will try to explain the close relationships which exist between the internal career – which means your own life – and the social career from which material as well as spiritual profit can be made.

The following selected text fragments of the spoken lecture are synchronized to chapter I of my book ‘Vlinders kunnen niet Dadelen en Dadels kunnen niet Vlinderen: Genetica van een innerlijke en uiterlijke carrière’.

(…) Profit is nice. Profit is a natural element in the structure of man, nature, and the entire universal system. Profit is the result of a process. Profit leads to progress and development. Profit and earnings are original and primal (or basic) mechanisms in all micro and macro cosmic processes. With the correct attitude, creativity, and its intelligence, reflected in nature around us, and throughout the entire universe, is never-ending and unparalleled. Our brain and its unlimited capacity illustrate the unending task of gathering, producing, and expanding knowledge through innumerable conscious and unconscious communication systems and structures within. Biology and chemistry also show us the never-ending aspects of profit and expansion in nature and existence.

(…) Raphael, the famous painter of the Renaissance, once gave one of his pupils as was said, the educative task of using forty shades of yellow in a particular floral still life. In fact, the great master could have asked his pupils to use 123 or 289 different shades, as the possibilities of combination are almost unlimited. Profit is a natural thing, in creative processes, in mental processes, and in material processes. In a material, mental, as well as emotional sense, profit is always a product of the single or multiple processes, which proceed it. Without a process there is no product, and every product carries the blueprint of such a process within itself. This process is: to be the specific product of its own particular destination. The product can be a human being, a political order, a social culture, a fruit, a service industry, or even a compact disc. Every product, of whatever nature, even your business or company, carries a specific blueprint of a process within itself, a guidebook for coming into existence, otherwise the product cannot exist or manifest.

(…) An internal career and an individual destination are the primary subjects which must be appraised and formulated in order to achieve an external, social career. The true motives of successful people, and by that I also mean successful family men, housewives and children, are found elsewhere within the depths of man, often hidden, seemingly indescribable, and frequently unspoken and unmentionable.

(…) The contents of your blueprint are not only revealed during therapeutic interventions, hypnotic sessions, psychic consultations, or emotional trance, but also in many other ways. While in the cradle and then the playpen, you are formulating and rehearsing, as you repeatedly arrange toys and meditatively stare into space. Even during childhood games and “dressing up”, this creative reminiscing and repeating goes on, and thus these games are much more fundamental than the word “game” suggests. During primary and secondary school, when attention is still paid to non-cognitive subjects, you once again get in touch with your destination fantasies if priority is given to intuition, creativity, and inspiration. Creativity is not only the making of a drawing. Fortunately, because not everyone has sufficient affinity for and interest in the flat surface. Creativity is part of man, nature, and society. With one person this is shown by direct artistic products, with another through, for example, professional and financial processes, or managerial ingenuity. Creativity can also be manifested in the last five minutes before you fall asleep, or while you swing your rocking chair, dreamily looking at the evening sky, when the most useful ideas come to mind. (…)

‘Internal and External Career’ provides a creative possibility for yourself, your company, and your personnel, to work with more satisfaction, to bring about adventure in your life, and to get maximum profit from your business.

Thank you for your attention.





Los resúmenes de ‘Una Carrera Interna y Externa’, son parte del capítulo I del libro:
As Borboletas não podem Tamarar e as Tâmaras não podem Borboletear
Genética de uma carreira interna & externa

© 2011 Martien Verstraaten

Editorial: Destinations – Laboratorio de Inteligencia Intuitiva
Países Bajos / Curaçao

Deseño de la cubierta y portada: GLU – Liceo Gráfico Utrecht / Países Bajos
Impresión y encuadernación: WPS – Wöhrmann Real, Zutphen / Países Bajos

ISBN 978-90-812836-6-3 NUR 762

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